Well, 28 weeks along and getting more and more excited. Our baby girl is growing everyday and and so am I! As you can see, we've been in the process of getting the nursery ready. With lots of help from Papa Smith, Dustin put up the wainscoting (oh, and lets give props to Stacey's dad, Charlie, our "plumber to the rescue" for his help as well, after our slight mishap)! Dustin put together the crib and changing table...now just waiting on the armoire from the store (Mom and Dad Rosty going with us to pick that up next weekend) and the window seat/toy box that Dad Smith's wood shop class is building for us. Still pinching ourselves everyday that we are going to have a tiny little baby girl to fit in those tiny adorable baby clothes. Still thanking God everyday for his blessings and loving every minute of every day being pregnant. Can't believe we're only three months away from holding that little blessing in our arms...