Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Life of a Mom

Well, back to another school year for me, and back to Carol's for the kids! Can't believe how fast the summer flew by. But then again, it always does. I loved spending the summer with my kids. I know these "baby" days are also going to fly by and I am trying to savor every moment. We had an action-packed summer with swimming lessons, birthday parties, ridin' horses on the ranch, playing in the water, and trips to the zoo, Lake Tahoe and the coast. As for the updates, Bryce is still not walking on his own but he is very close. He has taken a couple steps on his own here and there but only when he doesn't realize he's doing it. But he crawls at lightening speed! His newest word is, "hi." He also now weighs the same as his older sister. Oh, and he loves to dance and bob his head to the music. ;) Emmi is growing taller and becoming such a "big girl." My favorite moments are when I'm in the car with her and she just jabbers away in that sweet little voice, non-stop. She asks question after question, most of which she knows the answer to but just wants to hear if we know ;) For example, driving home from Nana and Papa's tonight:

Emmi: "Mommy and daddy look at the sky, it's pink. What color is it mommy?" Me: "Well, it's pink honey." Emmi: "And blue?" Me: "Yes, and blue." Emmi: "Why is it blue mommy because that's the sky?" Me: "Yes that's right."

And conversations go on and on and on like that with hardly a break. The best is that I can count on my 2-year old daughter to keep me in check. As I'm driving to work the other day (first stressful week back at school) and am running a few minutes late, I just barely miss a green light and have to stop (at one of the longest lights in history, I might add). So I make a frustrated, "ugghhh" noise. And Emmi says, "Mommy, that did not sound very nice." So of course that makes me feel awful and I go on to tell her that she is very right and that I should not get frustrated at little things like that. And Emmi replies, "yeah." That's the life of a mom...they pick up on every little thing we say and do, even when we don't even know they are paying attention.

Since Emmi was a baby, we started a routine where we would read her a book before bedtime. As she has gotten older we also say our prayers after we read the story. Well, lately Dustin has started making up stories and telling them to her. So now every night she asks, "Daddy, can you talk a story to me?" It the cutest thing ever!! And every morning when daddy gets her up, she comes running to me saying, "mommy!!!!" And Brycie greets me with a big 'ol grin from his crib. Oh, how I am going to miss those moments when they are teenagers! Well, maybe I won't miss the moments like when I'm trying to help Emmi "go in the big girl potty" as Bryce is unrolling the TP, then helping Emmi wash her hands as Bryce darts behind me, lifts the lid, and starts playing in the toilet water before I can get around Emmi to stop him. But okay, that's the life of a mom....and I know someday I'll even miss those moments too!!