Emilie had her 6 month check-up today. She weighed in at 16 pounds, 9 ounces! That's almost 4 pounds heavier than her 4-month appointment. She is also 2 inches longer, at 26 inches. Dr. Martin says that she is almost exactly average for a 6 month old girl...just slightly below the 50th percentile. Wow, she has caught up quickly! Just think, only a few months ago, we were having to go in for weekly weight checks because she was not gaining and was barely on the growth chart. We are going to start with solids this week...with zucchini to be exact! So we'll see how that goes. Rice cereal is not her favorite meal (don't blame her) so hopefully she'll like veggies better. The rest of her appointment went well. She screamed for a total of about 10 seconds after she got her shots, then she was fine. However, my sweetie has been asleep since we got home from the appointment 4 hours ago, so I guess it really tired her out! Next appointment will be at 9 months.