Yes, it's true what I have been told a million times by every parent I know...it goes by so fast!! My baby girl will be 8 months old tomorrow! She is continuing to grow and change every day. She is just on the verge of crawling. She gets up on her knees and rocks back and forth, however she has decided to take after her daddy in moving backwards from there! Yes, Emilie has inherited the infamous "backward crawl." We think it's funny but she gets frustrated because she gets further and further away from the thing she's chasing! She also loves to imitate sounds, sing to music, and pull Tessa's hair (poor Tess). She has learned to clap her hands and wave bye bye. She has started eating veggies (made by mommy) twice a day. Her favorites so far are yams and butternut squash. And lucky for us, she is a great sleeper! Goes to bed without a fuss between 8-9 and wakes up between 6-6:30.
Over the past couple of months Emilie has had her first trip to the ocean, her first time camping in a tent (with bears and all), and her first Bulldog football game. Unfortunately, mommy had to take her home before kickoff, thanks to the ridiculous Fresno heat in the middle of September. We also had the priveledge of dedicating Emilie to the Lord, at our church this past month.
Emilie just makes everything in our lives better. She brings joy to every day...every situation. No matter how tough, hectic, or stressful things get in our lives, it's all forgotten when we see her bright eyes and big smile. She brings perspective to everything. She is our happy little girl!