Only 2 1/2 weeks away from Emilie's 1st birthday! I can't believe it's been a whole year since I held that tiny baby in my arms! There are times where I miss that, but at the same time, I love who she is now. It's amazing how quickly she picks up on things. She absolutely loves to imitate sounds, noises, and even some words. Her favorite thing to do right now is "roar" like a tiger..."rarrrrr!!" It's the cutest thing ever. She is also such a loving little girl. She gives kisses and hugs like crazy. She waves "hi" and "bye bye" without hesitation. In fact as soon as I pick her up at daycare in the afternoon, she starts waving goodbye to Carol. Her word repertoire consists of: "mama, dada, Tessa, uh-oh, and up." She is also quite the music enthusiast. Anytime she hears any type of music, whether it be on a TV commercial, a song on the radio, or music coming from one of her favorite toys...she starts to dance and clap her hands. I think it's all those dancing shows mommy watches ;) Whatever it is she does, Dustin and I just stand in awe at the fact that she is ours. Happy almost-1st birthday Emmi Rae!