Yes, I'm on the final countdown...12 days from today we are scheduled to meet our baby boy!! My C-section is scheduled for July 12th, his daddy's birthday! It makes me a little nervous because my doctor is going to be out of town the entire week before, so I'm hoping this little guy holds out until then. Before I go on, just a short update on his big sister...our Emmi.
Emilie continues to amaze us everyday. I can't believe at 17 months old, how smart she is! She's like a little mini person running around and talking non-stop. Of course her mommy speech therapist has been writing down all her words, a list that grows longer everyday. We are up to almost 100 words and about 15-20 two-word phrases. Some of which include, "love you, bless you (yes, in response to a sneeze), clean up, all done, good girl, (ex)cuse me, No Tessa, and her personal favorite...."NO MINE!" We've been working on eliminating that last one ;) Emilie loves to dance (especially the "booty dance"), sing, and have books read to her. And as a result of her ornery moments, she has also learned to put herself into time out...until mommy and daddy ask her if she's ready to be a good girl and she says her favorite response, "yeah," and comes over and gives us "loves." She talks non-stop and the sound of her sweet little voice just melts my heart every time I hear it. Of course, she does give mommy and daddy a run for their money at times as well. But from what I hear, that's part of being parents ;)
Back to "baby brubber"...the nursery is ready to go, my hospital bags are packed, and he already has a closet-full of clothes, thanks to lots of hand-me-downs, and presents from friends and family. We even have the car seats and double stroller ready to go in the car!! Those are the ways in which we are prepared. But with that, there is a lot we cannot really prepare for. First of all, it's still totally surreal that we will have a newborn in the house in less than 2 weeks. I see my sister with her 2 week old baby boy and I think, am I really gonna have one of those??? Of course, I'm little anxious about the surgery and going through the recovery again. I'm also curious to see how Emilie is going to handle this huge change in her little life. And I'm wondering what the heck our life is going to really be like with 2 kids under the age of 2!! But the truth is, all that is out of my hands right now. So although I'm a little nervous about the unknowns, the overwhelming feeling I have is excitement. I just can't wait to meet him. I can't wait to see Emilie give him kisses. I can't wait to see his daddy hold him. And most of all, I can't wait to hear another sweet little voice someday call me mommy.
And I bet you all can't wait to hear his name! Ha! Stay tuned....12 more days!