Yes, we are beginning to enter into the opinionated, independent, tantrum-bearing phase filled with the lovely tune of, "No, I don't want to go to time-out!" It's the phase of the so-called, "terrible twos." And yes, this phase does earn its name. But thank goodness, for the sanity of mommy and daddy, it's not always Emmi's evil twin that shows her face. It's amazing how in an instant she can go from that, to melting our hearts once again. All we have to do is hear her say one of these Emmi classics: "Hi daddy, I love you; Tessa is a good doggie; Mommy, will you read me a book?; Mommy, are you doing okay? (as I slave away in the kitchen); and Mommy, I love you so much." And I have to admit, even when she's trying to be naughty, Dustin and I have to sometimes hide our faces so she won't see us laughing. Along with the 2's she is becoming smarter and smarter everyday. One day a couple of weeks ago, she turned to her daddy and said,"Daddy, dinosaurs are extinct." Four days earlier we were at the doctor's office and our room had a huge dinosaur mural on the wall and daddy was telling her all about dinosaurs. She was just quoting her daddy! And on the way to daycare the other day she said, "Mommy, there are blossoms on the trees." Apparently Carol had taken the kids for a walk at daycare and they were talking about springtime and the blossoms on the trees. They mean it when they say kids are like little sponges!! She soaks in everything she hears...and remembers it! Consequently, Dustin and are really starting to have to watch what we say around her!! Cause she will spout it out a week later.
Bryce update: Our big boy is getting bigger and bigger everyday. He is now almost 8 months old and over 22 pounds. As we like to say, he has not missed a meal! Although we thought he would be way more excited about eating solid foods than he is. So far he loves applesauce and pears (all mommy home-made, of course), but gags every time we try to feed him a vegetable. He loves that bottle of his more! What's more to say about Bryce? The thing that stands out most is that his giant smile lights up the whole room. And those dimples are to die for...talk about, melting mommy's heart! I'm going to have a hard time saying no once he enters into the "2 phase!" All he's going to have to do is bat those long eyelashes and flash me that adorable smile, and I'll be in big trouble.
The Past 2 months: As usual, it's been awhile since I've posted. So just wanted to quickly write about some fun events/trips that have happened in this time. The pics above highlight those events. First of all, we celebrated Emmi's 2nd birthday with family, up at Nana and Papa's ranch. We had a "penguin-themed" party with penguin crafts, penguin decorations, penguin cupcakes, and even a penguin pinata! Really, it was a birthday weekend, as Nana and Papa hosted my whole family from Lodi for the weekend. We had fun playing with the horses, roasting marshmallows at night by the fire pit, and eating lots of yummy food! We also had a fun weekend visiting Uncle Nate and Aunt Nikki in Nipomo. It was beautiful weather that weekend so we got to go hang out on Avila beach. Emmi loved playing in the sand! And Bryce just loves being outside no matter where we are! We also got to spend a weekend up at Shaver with some friends. It was the coldest storm of the winter, but we made it up there and the kids all had a blast...and the parents too :) And last but certainly not least, was our favorite event of all...DISNEYLAND!!! Thanks to Nana and Papa, we got to spend a weekend at Disneyland in celebration of Nana's retirement! The whole Smith clan was there and it was a trip to remember. Emmi and Bryce's first trip to Disneyland! I don't know who had more fun...the kids on their first trip to Disney...or me?!
I've said it before but I'll say it again...this parenting thing is the hardest job on earth...but it's also the BEST! And how blessed I am to be able to do it...twice!!