Three years and nine months ago, in August 2007, I wrote a post on this blog called, "Tunnel." I chose the name "Tunnel" for my post based on one of my favorite songs by Third Day. Our 8th fertility procedure had just failed, and little did we know, we were about to have 2 more failed attempts, and finally on our 11th attempt (almost a year later), through a frozen embryo transfer, we got pregnant with our precious Emilie. In that Tunnel post, I talk about my feelings of starting to lose hope. I also talk about holding on to my faith, knowing that God has a plan for me. At the time, having faith was not always an easy thing to do, but it was the only thing that kept me going. A quote from that post: "One day when we have our baby, whether it be from pregnancy or adoption, we will be able to look back and say, "Oh, that was your plan, God." And we won't be able to imagine it any other way." And yes, almost 3 years later, I do see God's plan. You can see it too, above in that picture! Little did I know that His plan was not only to give us one precious child, more than we could have ever wanted, but to give us two!! God's plan is not only great, it is greater than you can imagine.
Last week was "National Infertility Awareness Week." Many posts on Facebook read, "Infertility is a heart-wrenching, faith-questioning, relationship-testing, life-altering experience." Only those that have experienced it, know the truth of that statement. For all the friends and family I know, and the millions I don't know, still fighting infertility, this post is for you. As I said in my post almost 3 years ago, "I know there is a light at the end of this tunnel somewhere but sometimes it's so hard to see. I pray that God will show me that light soon." Just keep fighting your way towards that light. Two little ones, named Emilie and Bryce, are proof it's there. :)