Our baby boy turned 1-year old yesterday, Tuesday July 12th, 2011!! It's so amazing how fast this year has flown by! Our baby has grown from 8 pounds, 3 ounces on that special day one year ago... to 23 pounds, 5 ounces at his check up yesterday. We celebrated his birthday last Saturday at Nana and Papa's ranch. Mommy put together a "barnyard animal" theme highlighted with cow print table cloths, farm animal lollipop favors and centerpieces, and a giant cow-print smash cake just for Bryce (shown above in my favorite pic from that day). And Auntie Tami did an awesome job decorating the coordinating barnyard cake! Nana and Papa were nice enough to host the whole Rostomily/Emslie clan again for this shin-dig (as they did for Emmi's 2nd b-day). Aside from a small delay from the post office for the favors and decorations, everything went smoothly. Bryce started off the party with a little bit of a grumpy demeanor, but that all changed the minute he dove into his cake! He didn't hesitate for one second before he "smashed" it to smithereens!! We all watched, laughing, as he double-fisted that cake and shoveled it in as fast as he could. He definitely earned his nickname, "Tank!" He has actually accumulated a small list of nicknames..."Chunk-a-munk" (given by mommy), "Bam-Bam" (given by Carol, his daycare provider)," and "Brycie" (endeared by all). Some of his accomplishments the past few months are: waving/saying "bye bye," crawling lightning speed, pulling himself up and walking along furniture,walking with his push-toy, calling every dog "Tessa," shaking his head "no," and giving kisses. His list of words include: mama, dada, papa, bampa (gpa), Tessa, Jinx, pizza, bye-bye, and dat (that). Some party highlights were: Bryce's cake demolition of course, swimming fun, making barnyard crafts, and exploring Nana's garden. The party finale was Bryce opening presents in his jammies (well, mommy opening presents and Bryce eating the paper) and Bryce receiving his 2 new rides: a "ranch mobile" from nana and papa, and a "CARS 4-wheeler" from Gma and Gpa. Fun was had by all, but whew...I was exhausted!!
It's crazy how much they change in this first year. They go from this helpless little precious baby that can't even hold up their head, to a small child, full of personality and taking their first steps toward independence. And in looking at Emilie, who is now 2 1/2 years old (going on 5) it's even crazier how much they change in the next 2 years. I'm just trying, like every other mom, to hold on to every moment, every milestone, every precious smile. Happy birthday Brycie!! Can't wait to watch you grow! Mommy and daddy love you so much!