GIRL!!!! The first thing I said to Dustin when we left the imaging center was..."Oh the shopping I'm gonna do!" We found out yesterday on our 18 week ultra sound. We are so so so excited and blessed! The baby was moving around so much that the lady could hardly tell at first, but got two angles that showed her it is a girl - so she said 90% sure! Let's hope she's right cause this little one is gonna have lots of fashionable girly clothes!! But most importantly everything looked like it was growing nice and healthy. And I think she's got mommy's long legs! Yay, a girl! Watch out Dustin! (who is still a little in shock, but very excited to have a "daddy's girl!")
Oh the shopping her Auntie is gonna do too!!!!!
Okay, I know I told you both congrats already but I feel like I've been following your blog from the beginning, and I can't let this post go by without leaving you a comment.
Again, I am so happy for you two. This little girl's already spoiled from having such great parents... and something tells me that's only the beginning! :)
Have fun shopping! Cute girl clothes are awfully hard to pass up... ;)
You two are going to be in trouble, look out!
All I have to say is "Thank heaven for little girls". You're little princess is already blessed to have two wonderful parents!! Congrats on the wonderful news and happy shopping!!!
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