Well, as you can see, the nursery is ready to go and so are we! I'm officially 3 weeks away from my due date, which seems almost unfathomable! After our long wait of almost 3 years, it's hard to believe that in 3 weeks (or maybe less) we will be holding our baby daughter. This was such a special week, celebrating Christmas and feeling so blessed with the awaited arrival of the little miracle in our life. Last Christmas we were not even sure if we would ever be able to experience this joy. Now it's right around the corner. In a way, I'm a little sad to have my pregnancy be over, as I have loved every minute of it...even now with the swollen feet, ankles (or should I say cankles) and aching back...I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Dustin is so excited for this baby to get here, he can hardly stop smiling. Picturing him holding our daughter brings me a joy I cannot even describe!As for any new details, I really don't have many. Baby is very active and rolls around like crazy. Sometimes I think she's doing sommersaults in there. I have not felt any contractions yet at all. Just had a doctor's appointment yesterday and all appeared well. Doctor Swanson says he estimates the baby to be between 5 1/2 and 6 pounds at this point. So for now, we just wait! Something we have become very good at! Keep praying for a smooth, healthy delivery for me and wait for that phone call...it could be any day now!
Dear Dustin & Teri...We can hardly wait until the big day gets here too! Can't wait to get that call and see that blessed little girl. We are praying for a safe delivery!
We love you guys...Love, Dave and Paige
The nursery is so adorable! And, you are still looking amazing. I cannot believe how close you are to holding your miracle in your arms! - Megan
Your nursery looks so cute! I love the ladybugs. :) I have something for you and I am hoping it will match the room. :) It took some time to get it, but I just got word it is 'in the mail', so I'll have it really soon, hopefully before the baby comes!!
Everything's ready, we're ready, you are really ready, but that little girl just isn't ready to make her big debut yet. We love you and can't wait to meet our little miracle. The phone is never out of my sight! Can't wait it for it to ring with THE phone call. Love Ya!
Hello!!! It's time already little niece! Your Auntie wants to hold you!!!! I am so excited to see your Big Brown eyes because I know that's what you will have!! Rena is so excite to give her baby cousin kisses. We love you. Come soon!! Auntie will BE THERE!!!!!
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