Well, we had a Dr.'s appointment yesterday and decided to go ahead and induce this week! I am still not even 1 cm dilated, but the baby's head is further down and my cervix is starting to soften. At this point I am a few days overdue and the baby is growing about 1/2 pound a week. The doctor said we could wait and come back next week but he does not want the baby to get too big for me to deliver. So the plan is to go into the hospital on Wednesday and they will insert some gel called "Cervidil" which is supposed to further prepare the cervix for dilation. Then the doctor will come in on Thursday morning and give me "The Pit" as my sister the nurse calls it (pitocin) in order to induce me and bring on contractions. At this point I feel a ton of different emotions: excitement, anticipation, nervousness, joy, and a little bit afraid, all at the same time. But most of all, it just feels surreal. After waiting all this time to have a baby, I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that I could be holding her in just a few days. It just doesn't seem possible to me. I feel so blessed. If all goes well, by this weekend...we will see our baby daughter's sweet little face. Please keep us in your prayers for a safe, healthy, smooth delivery!