She's here! Emilie Rae Smith was born on January 22, 2009 at 4:23 p.m. She was 7 pounds, 5 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long. After a long day of labor and no progress, the doctor gave us the option of having a C-section or going home and starting over the following week with the pitocin. We prayed about it and were lead to the decision of having a C-section, which we felt would be the safest for our baby. We have no doubt we made the right decision and now we have our beautiful baby girl home with us! The only words that can describe our joy...we have our miracle!
So excited for you both & I LOVE the outfit you brought the beautiful Emilie home in!
A miracle, indeed. I am so thrilled for you guys! Enjoy every minute! - Megs
I got to meet this gorgeous baby today! What a sweetheart. Looking forward to holding her when she's a little less fragile. ;)
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