Well, is it God giving us a sign, or is it just another coincidence? Our 9th procedure, on the 9th of October and 9 being "my number." When I was a little girl and started playing soccer, I chose number 9 on every team I played on because my dad wore number nine playing baseball in college. I started playing soccer when I was 5 years old and wore that number all the way through high school. So 9 has always been "my number." I don't really believe in lucky numbers, since I don't believe in luck. (I only believe in lucky blessings). But as I sit here and wait again for another trip to the hospital, I can only wonder...
So will this 9th procedure bring us our lucky blessing?? Only God knows and we can only pray.
I'm praying for you guys too! :)
Thinking about you! Hope everything went well for you guys today! Best of luck!
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