Monday, May 19, 2008

Another step...

I wanted to post right away because I know a lot of you are waiting to hear the results of my second blood test. My hormone number is rising normally. The hormone level last week was 207 and the number today is 2,539. So far so good! I am feeling well - just very tired and sometimes crampy, which they say is also normal. Once again God has shown me that my worrying does nothing. He is in control and I just need to sit back and let Him handle it. Thank you all again for your thoughts, encouragement, and prayers!!


RMCarter said...

You’re right: worry does nothing, God is in control. How hard that is to remember during difficult times but how gratifying is the lesson when you see His hand in your life. Babies truly are miracles, aren’t they!

Wishing you nine months of pregnancy bliss and a lifetime of happiness! :)

Jami & Ethan said...

I can't stop smiling! I'm wishing you a very uneventful nine months!